Enrol at OrmPS - click on the + sign to open link

Please click here ENROL NOW

to complete the provisional enrolment form for OrmPS and supply ALL documents. Please do not enrol if you are residing outside the school zone as we do not accept out-of-zone enrolments. There is no waitlist for out-of-zone enrolments.

Please read the requirements for enrolment carefully and provide all documentation with your application. Email to enrol@ormps.school.nz

School Zone

Ormiston Primary School has an enrolment scheme in place and a defined “home zone”, which is a geographically defined area around our school. Students living inside the zone are guaranteed a place at the school. 

The responsibility lies with the applicant to prove permanent residence in the school zone. It is an offence under the Education Act 1989 section 110 to falsely claim residence in the school zone. The school reserves the right to request further proof of address to confirm residence in the school zone.

Ormiston Primary School does not accept out of zone enrolments as our spaces are filled by our in zone enrolments. There is no waitlist for out of zone enrolments.  Please visit NZ Schools below to view our school zone.

Ormi Kids After School and Holiday Care

Ormi Kids is a one of a kind, high-quality OSCAR service, designed to complement and advance the vision and values of the Ormiston Primary and Junior College Schools. Our after school programme is run on-site at Ormiston Primary School . Enrolments for Ormikids must be completed online please go to Ormi Kids