School Board

School Board

Traditionally each school has a School Board who govern the school and work alongside the school leaders to deliver great learning opportunities for all students and to achieve and reflect the aspirations of their community. In May 2017 both Ormiston Primary School and Ormiston Junior College formed a joint School Board after consultation with the community. The two schools share the same vision “To guarantee every learner engages in innovative, personalised world class learning”, the same values and the same policies and systems.

What is a School Board?

Every state school and state-integrated school in New Zealand has a School Board. Our Board is currently made up of nine members who are responsible for our governance, (see

  • Leader of Learning as the board’s chief executive, professional advisor and educational leader.
  • Parent elected representatives from the community.
  • An elected staff representative.
  • Co-opted trustees (optional).

Board's Role

School Boards are accountable to parents and caregivers, their local communities, the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education, other government agencies and the public, for their actions and performance.

The board is the employer of all the school’s staff and is responsible for:

  • Setting the school’s strategic and policy direction in consultation with parents, staff and learners.
  • Ensuring that the school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its learners.
  • Overseeing the management of curriculum, staff, property, finance and administration.
  • Constantly monitoring and reviewing progress against targets to inform future planning.

The board must have a charter, which sets out long-term goals and annual targets determining the school’s priorities. The board must monitor and report annually to its community and the Ministry of Education on progress towards those goals and targets.

Heath McNeil [email protected]  Leader of Learning-principal – OrmPS
Luke Sumich [email protected]  Leader of Learning-principal – OJC
Cheryl Hill [email protected]  staff representative
Bonnie Lee parent elected
Russell Thomas [email protected]  Presiding Member – parent elected
Krish Naidu parent elected
Rosalie Reiri   parent elected
Bev Aerenga parent elected
Tony Shi   parent elected
Aseel Hameed co-opted member
Tajdeep Singh Hayer student representative


Strategic Plan:

OrmPS & OJC Strategic Plan 2024 – 2025


2023 Annual Report:

2023 OrmPS and OJC Combined Board of Trustees

2023 OrmPS Analysis of Variance