Digital Technologies@OrmPS
All learners sign a digital agreement when they enrol meaning they must be a responsible digital citizen.
At Ormiston all our learners are set up with google accounts and emails and are given access to a variety of digital learning resources. These include;
- Matific
- Reading Eggs – years 1 and 2
- OrmPS Maths Hub
- OrmPS Literacy Hub
Learners may bring their own device to school and join the BYOD connection, but bringing a device is not compulsory. The school does have a number of shared devices available.
As per the digital agreement, all devices brought to school are the learner’s responsibility and the insurance for the device is the caregiver’s responsibility. The school holds no responsibility for any loss or damage which might occur.
For those learners going onto Ormiston Junior College, please click on this link OJC Ipads to read about their requirements.