Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) ‘#Being Oresome’
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) at Ormiston Primary School is called Being #Oresome. Everyday in all interactions our learners aim to be #Oresome. The approach helps to improve learner’s well-being, and increase educational achievement. Taking on the PB4L initiatives allows educators and whānau to teach learner’s to show expected and appropriate behaviours at a range of times.
You will see Being #Oresome shared around Ormiston Primary as…
– Hui
– Being #Oresome tickets
– Restorative Practice
– Well being check ins
– Zones of Regulation
– The 4 C Birds – Curious Kea, Connected Hoiho, Capable Ruru, Collaborative Kiwi

The 4 C Birds - Collaborative Kiwi Capable Ruru Connected Hoihoi Curious Kea